Why My Wardrobe is (Mostly) Black
April 9, 2013
A Gypsy Trailer: Adorable Portable Facilities
May 1, 2013My mother and I just took the leap and bought a conversion van. On the maiden voyage, we submerged ourselves in living small — really, REALLY small. I must admit that my mother is a trooper! Our first trip was only four days, so we took a couple changes of clothes (a few extra undies and socks, but minimal clothing). We packed a bag of healthy snacks and picked up food on the road. Not fast food — the healthy stuff.

One of our standard healthy meals while “vanning” around.
Eating healthy and simple on the road was much easier than anticipated. We are both going low-carb and prefer minimally processed foods, so our meals always contain many colors and are appealingly fresh.
We took off with no particular destination in mind and ended up in Nashville, TN. It was a lovely trip and we are anxious to go again. Next time we will plan a little more (both of us are planners, so NOT planning was an exercise in self-control for us!) but this time was a lot of fun!
We decided we couldn’t come back home until we named the van. I thought we should name the van a “boy” name, since men always name their vehicles a “girl” name. Mom disagreed. She said, “The reason men name their cars after women is because women are dependable, loyal, and (if properly maintained) can last a lifetime.”
Then she asked me, “Do you really WANT a boy van?”
Our van’s name is Thelma.
My mother’s name is Louise, and I carry her name as my middle name… so our vanning adventures involve “Thelma and the Louises” 😉