Camper for a Bicycle – Mobile Tiny Living Spaces
May 3, 2011Small Footprint Herb Garden Idea
May 6, 2011Ever wonder what the basics, the things we take for granted, cost? Do you know how much you spend a month to do laundry? Would you like to? This site helps you make short work of those calculations (and many more).
Additionally, there are tips on how to save money (from washing in cold — and how much difference that makes — to a recipe for making your own low-cost laundry detergent).
You decide how much effort you want to put into savings. The site give you the tools. Pretty sweet!
Laundry is just one example. Take some time to peruse the site and learn how to save money all over the house — and how much money you are currently spending. Being informed is the first step — what you do next is up to you.