After many months of playing with my planner layouts, in my bullet journal, I’ve finally found one that works! Finding My Perfect Planner Layout I hated […]
The van kitchen is working deliciously! I took a page from the teardrop camper designs and created a van kitchen accessible from the back cargo doors. This […]
Over the years, I’ve given a great deal of thought to what is essential in living space. What are the stripped down, basic, absolute necessities that I […]
Mobile, wooden, tiny house. Offers two lofts, off-grid solar panel run electric with storage batteries, on demand hot water heater (you can use a standard garden […]
I love perusing from time to time, and this project is a no-nonsense winner, IMHO. It offers an essential product (a backpack) and strives to […]
Aside from Pinterest and Facebook and, would have to be one of my top favorite online locations to find interesting, cool new ideas — […]