Sell Your Clothes So you have minimized your closet. You have removed everything that doesn’t fit perfectly. You have eliminated those clothes that are simply lovely, […]
I love perusing from time to time, and this project is a no-nonsense winner, IMHO. It offers an essential product (a backpack) and strives to […]
Aside from Pinterest and Facebook and, would have to be one of my top favorite online locations to find interesting, cool new ideas — […]
Today we are inundated with advice on the best things to buy to help us organize our lives. It used to be things like those 10-pound “day-timer” monstrosities. […]
I’ve always been enthralled with my mother’s handling of the art of wrapping presents. She’s a master. Getting one of her gifts is quite an impressive […]
If you haven’t discovered Evernote yet, it’s time. It’s the best note-organizing software I’ve found since my love affair with OneNote back before I eschewed all […]
The FlatMate Secretary Taking up basically NO space, this furniture is designed to create a fold-away workspace for the new popular micro tech devices (think skinny […]