Take a Powder from the Internet Trackers

Efficiency apartment as a move toward voluntary simplicity
When “Simple” Means Taking On More…
September 4, 2013
Portable, high power USB charger
One USB Charger to Rule Them All
September 17, 2013
Efficiency apartment as a move toward voluntary simplicity
When “Simple” Means Taking On More…
September 4, 2013
Portable, high power USB charger
One USB Charger to Rule Them All
September 17, 2013
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Take a Powder from the Internet Trackers

How to remove yourself from the Internet

Have you ever considered “dropping out” of the Internet. Not just shutting of your computer, tablet and smartphone — but actually removing your footprint on the web? Here’s a new tool that will help you delete yourself from the Internet.

Not all profiles can be removed (like Pinterest and Netflix) and some are quite difficult to remove, but at least you have a fighting chance — if you want to put in all that time to do so.

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